Because most people who suffer from joint pain, aches, and stiffness think that avoiding exercise and painful movements is the answer. Or maybe getting a little manual therapy from a healthcare professional. But that’s not enough.
In fact, many people are wasting thousands of dollars and countless hours trying every kind of treatment out there, chiropractic, physical therapy, massage...they even try acupuncture. But nothing comes close to making then feel normal again.
And believe me, I’ve been there. I’ve been dealing with a herniated disc in my neck from a car accident for years. I also developed a lumbar herniated disc from following a workout that was too advanced for me. And all of this is in addition to the multiple injuries I got from Brazilian jiu-jitsu competitions.
But the truth that doesn’t get shared a lot is that limiting your movements can weaken muscles and reduce your range of motion. This compounds joint trouble and leads to trouble just getting up and down from the floor or even a chair. Ultimately, you’re letting loose a cascade of further problems that will lead to disability and even a surgery or two.