Meet my client Scott, a 49-year-old busy professional from Canada, who desperately needed to stop binge eating over the weekends. 
During the week while much of Scott’s energy and focus were on work, it was much easier for him to stick to a diet. But then the weekend would come and the urge to relax and reward himself for his work accomplishments would become very strong. 

This is a very common problem for hard-driving, high performance individuals like Scott. After all, it can be very hard to stick to a diet when eating at a fancy restaurant or when enjoying a weekend trip with the spouse or when having friends over for a cookout before the big game...sound familiar? 
For Scott, this repeatedly meant seeing his good weekly diet results erased because of weekend binge eating. 
As a result, Scott, even though he was active and either running or biking practically every day, saw his weight increase to 240 pounds. 

Combine the excess fat he was carrying on his 6-foot frame with the previous heart attack he suffered three years earlier and Scott knew that he needed to make changes to improve his health or things were only going to get worse. 
So After Having A Heart Attack At Age 46 And Not Being Able To Get Sustainable Results On His Own, Scott Decided to Finally Get Serious About His Fat Loss … 
“It was three months before my 50th birthday,” Scott says. “That’s when I finally owned up to myself and said, no, this is not, as much as I'm saying to myself, this is okay, it's not okay.  

“I did have some heart issues, including a previous heart attack, I felt like I was incrementally getting better, but I hadn't lost any weight and that was really bugging me. So I kind of had a talk with myself … and I said, ‘I got to get a game plan. I need a roadmap on how to get there …’” 

That realization led Scott to the Legendary Life Program.

Upon joining the program, Scott decided, just as in his professional life, to not hold back. He went all in – which included setting a very ambitious weightloss goal. 

Scott says at that point in his life he just decided that “I did not want to be in the 200’s any longer for the rest of my life. So I set my goal weight at 199.” 
Just five months later, Scott hit that ambitious weightloss goal and now says he “feels like a million bucks.” 
So How Did Scott Lose All Those Extra Pounds 
… While Still Enjoying His Weekends?  
Scott says the key to his success was the comprehensiveness of the program. Before when he was struggling with binge eating he was spending way too much of his time trying to find the perfect approach to nutrition and exercise. 

With all the conflicting information out there, it was a very frustrating time. But all that stress and uncertainty ended with Legendary Life. 

His entire fat-loss journey was customized to his age, schedule, needs and lifestyle. 

Plus, the program focused on two things most diets ignore – stress management and sleep. Both are essential to good health and the truth is when you manage your stress and wake up each day feeling refreshed and ready to dominate your day, you eat and drink less. You also don’t resort to “eating and drinking your emotions” on the weekend.  

As a result, Scott was able to lose weight without giving up the foods he likes and without spending hours at the gym doing extreme workouts that are hard on the 40+ body. 

Far too many programs try to be “quick fixes” and rely on extreme workouts and other tactics that are not sustainable and are really just “surface solutions.” Scott had finally found a deep health program that focused on all dimensions of health as well as helped him lose fat. 

“Like it wasn't crazy, I didn't lose 10 pounds in one week or anything like that, but what I want to reiterate, and I think what people would appreciate mostly is that I did see the two to four pounds every week, every 10 days, every time I looked at that little graph, it was going down … and I just have to say, (this program) works.” 

Even when Thanksgiving came and Scott saw his weight shoot up 2 pounds he didn’t lose his confidence and motivation.  
“I didn't fret because I knew the program and the lifestyle you (Legendary Life Founder Ted Ryce) had implemented was going to work through the holidays.” 

Ultimately, Scott was able to stop sabotaging his Monday through Thursday fat-loss efforts by overeating and overdrinking on the weekend. 

No longer did he feel frustrated and angry on Monday because he had gained weight Friday through Sunday. Now he was able to enjoy weekends with friends and loved ones without feeling guilty. 

And he kept seeing that steady progress where his weight was going down – steady progress can be incredibly motivating. 

Scott ended up learning a complete process that he can utilize the rest of his life to maintain his new lower weight and improved health. 

For example, Scott says that while he was losing the 41 pounds he was eating whatever he wanted and the pounds were still coming off. Even if he accidently overdid it on a meal or two he didn’t stress because he had learned a strategy to get his fat-loss back on track right away.  

Scott still marvels that he was able to lose all that weight without giving up his favorite foods or social life. 
“I knew with my map that Ted had given me, I knew where I was going and I was going to get there, whether it was a weekly goal or a monthly goal, I was still going to get there.” 

So How Did Scott’s Life Change After He Lost Over 40 Pounds? 
One big change was that Scott was finally able to enjoy his weekends with his wife without feeling guilty every Monday when he stepped back on the scale to check his weight.

His energy also increased and that allowed him to feel more connected with his hobbies, like boating and watching games.

One more big benefit was his confidence – it soared after the fat loss. As the weight came off, Scott found himself waking up each day feeling motivated and ready to be the best he could be in both his professional and personal lives – and that feeling was priceless.

Something else Scott noticed after losing all that weight was all the compliments he began receiving. “Who doesn't like getting compliments?” said Scott, who went on to say that the number of compliments he has gotten due to his fat loss are “off the charts!”

Scott also enjoyed buying new clothes for his thinner body. “Yeah, I had to go buy a whole new set of clothes!” he said while smiling.

The bottom line is Scott will be turning 50 soon and investing in the Legendary Life Program turned into one of the best gifts that he could give himself. Now he will be starting his 50s looking amazing – leaner, healthier, younger and ready to live the best decade of his life.
And This Is What Scott Send Us 2 Years After Joining Our Program...
In many ways, Scott has become a shining example of what the Legendary Life Program is all about. He has been able to build a lean, strong, and muscular body while succeeding in business, taking care of his loved ones, and making the impact he was born to make!

To learn how this program can help you lose fat and transform your body while succeeding in business, schedule a 60-Min Breakthrough Call with us today.

  •  It might change your health, body, and life.
  •  It might help you create the body you've always wanted. 
  •  It might help you finally become leaner, stronger, and healthier.
  •  Whatever it is, it will definitely be worth 60 minutes of your life.
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