Meet Todd, a 46-year-old engineer who desperately needed to reclaim his health. 
Although Todd has been exercising and lifting weights since he was 15, his lifestyle changed dramatically when he became an engineer. After years of spending 10 hours a day working hard at his desk, he realized his weight had crept up from 190lbs to 285lbs. 

He was feeling really bad when he looked in the mirror. He felt like a pale shadow compared to the picture of health he was in his 20s. He also felt like he was on his way to his first heart attack or getting cancer. Here’s what he had to say about the state he was in:
“I’m 46. If I don’t get in shape now, when am I going to? I feel like a ticking time bomb that will get out of control if I don’t get my act together.”
Todd realized that he had to get his health handled. So, every night instead of watching TV, he’d be researching the best ways to get in shape. He would do that for hours and hours. 

Then one day he realized that he could be using the same time to actually exercise and take control of his nutrition.

“I thought I could lose weight on my own, but I heard that everyone needs a coach, even coaches. And it was a really busy time in my life. So, I decided to hire Ted and give it a try since I was tired of researching and failing on my own.”

That’s the moment when everything changed for Todd.
Within two weeks, he’d already lost 6lbs and was feeling more energetic. In 6 months, he lost 70lbs.
Todd went from 285lbs to 215lbs. People who we hadn’t seen him in a while didn’t even recognize him anymore. They’d stop him on the street and ask, “Todd, is that you?”
As you can see from his photos, the transformation was dramatic. But the results went beyond just his physical appearance.
Here’s what he had to say about his transformation:  

“What I didn’t expect is that would have a ripple effect in all areas of my life. My performance at work increased because of my sleep quality, my energy levels are higher than never, without having to drink five coffees a day or diet soda. I say no to the Friday donuts and I easily make healthier choices throughout the day.”
If you ask Todd about what made Legendary Life Program different from the other things he’d tried, he would say it’s the holistic approach to overall health, and not just a focus on weight loss.
“Focusing on my sleep was a huge milestone. I went from 4 hours per night to 7-8 hours per night. Before speaking to Ted, I didn’t realize how much poor sleep was affecting my health and causing me to gain weight. I was also addicted to caffeine to jolt myself to alertness just so I could make it through the day. And after following Ted’s sleep recommendations, I started to make better food choices; my food cravings almost disappeared and I was more focused at work.”

On top of that, we got Todd clear on WHY he wanted to make this change in his life. Without a strong WHY, most people flounder and give up on their goals. Just “losing a few pounds” or “getting healthier” isn’t going to cut it.
Todd’s WHY had to do with getting in the best shape of his life by the time he turned 50. He was tired of not enjoying life as a result of his weight and decided that it was now or never. 
So, he made the financial commitment and a personal commitment by investing in the help of a world-class coach. As a result, he shaved off years of frustration and finally built the body he deserves.

Many coaches focus on tricks and fads like “intermittent fasting” or cutting out carbs. At Legendary Life, we don’t do that.

We want you to follow the ideal program for you based on your ability, limitations, health issues, lifestyle, and preferences. In other words, you’re getting a truly customized program tailored to your every need.

Ted and the team are so committed to their clients, they won’t accept anything less than a success story. The goal is getting results; anything less just isn’t enough.

Todd has seen the value of putting old beliefs to one side, putting in the work, and trusting in the Legendary Lean system.

Want to do more than just read about Todd’s success? Want to finally reclaim your health and feel younger and happier? Click below and schedule your call today.

  •  It might change your health, body, and life.
  •  It might help you create the body you've always wanted. 
  •  It might help you finally become leaner, stronger, and healthier.
  •  Whatever it is, it will definitely be worth 15 minutes of your life.
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